IV-nd International Grand Prix of Klodzko 25-26 Aug. 2006

Marek Kusiakiewicz - Czw Lip 12, 2007 8:37 am
" />IV INTERNATIONAL Grand Prix of Kłodzko on-road

Organizer: UKS Sudety Kłodzko, RC-AUTO, OSiR Kłodzko
Location: r/c model track, Kusocińskiego 2 street, Kłodzko – OSiR stadium
Contest date: 25-26.08.2007r.
Aplication dead-line: 23.08.2007r
Counting Method: AMB 20
Classes: E-10TC Spec (17 T motor, fixed timing 5 or 24 degrees), E-10TC Modified (5 cells, brushed (no limit) or brushless motors), E-10TC 540 (Motor 20T, non rebuildable), IC-10, IC-10 Start, IC-8
Entry Fee: Senior-30zł , junior-25zł, cadet-15zł per class, every additional - 10zł
Application e-Form: on rcauto.pl send e-Form (click: Informatory->Wyślij zgłoszenie)
Accomoddation: Hostel, Czarnieckiego 1 street, Kłodzko, mobile +48605 261 258 mobile +48609 115 354 (ask for accomodation)
Contest office: On track
Additional info: Competitors make reservations on their own. (if not fluent in Polish, contact wziuu@interia.pl) Contest entry is possibile only when application is made before dead-line defined by the Organizer. the Organizer reserves the right to close start lists earlier in each class (before the deadline). After Heats on Saturday the Organizer invites with pleasure all participants to OSiR Kłodzko (the hotel at the sports stadium) for an „Integration Meeteing”


Friday - 24.08.2007r.
14:00 - 17:00 Nitro free trainings
17:00 - 20:30 Electric free trainings

Saturday - 25.08.2007r.
08:00 - 09:00 Free trainings- all
09:00 Beginning of contess
09:30 - 20:00 Heats

Sunday - 26.08.2007r.
08:00 - 09:00 trainings
09:00 - 15:30 Main/ Finale In each classess
16:00 Ending ceremony

efka - Śro Sie 01, 2007 8:27 pm
" />What is suggested electric motor for the track?

Mindaugas Ambrasas - Pią Sie 03, 2007 8:02 am
" />
">What is suggested electric motor for the track?

I think the question was: what do you suggest for 17T motor class?
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